Minerva Case Studies
The Minerva case studies and instructor notes shall be made available to all universities, colleges and other organizations who have a licensing agreement for Minerva Canada’s e-Learning courses and modules. The case studies can be used to supplement Minerva’s e-Learning courses and Teaching Modules or as assignments. These case studies and notes provided to Minerva’s licensees are for educational purposes only and cannot be reproduced without the permission of Minerva Canada. The case studies can be referenced in any periodicals, research papers or textbooks used for educational purposes. The case studies and notes cannot be distributed, sold for commercial purposes or modified without the express written permission of Minerva Canada Safety Management Education Inc.
Minerva Canada may also provide individual case studies to universities and colleges who do not have a licensing agreement for its e-learning courses for a small nominal fee.
The 47 Minerva case studies are listed here and fall under one of 5 categories:
- Actual Case Studies
- Case Studies used during the Minerva ICBC Business Student Competition
- Case Studies used during the Minerva-CIAC Engineering Student Competition
- Short Case Studies from actual incidents or fictional in nature
- Other Case studies
Some case studies reflect real company stories while others have been embellished that reflect a real incident. There are other case studies that are fictional in nature. Those professors, instructors, trainers from universities, colleges and other organizations that have a Minerva Licensing agreement can access any of these case studies by entering their password at the academic login screen.
A summary of each case study, providing subjects where they may be included into the curriculum of Engineering and Business Schools, can be found here.
Sample of a Case Study
This is an example of the introductory pages to the General Motors case study.
Instructor notes
Instructor notes are available for most of the above case studies and for use only by professors, instructors, company trainers and trainers from professional associations. Those individuals whose organizations have a Minerva Licensing agreement can access any of these instructor notes by entering their password at the academic login screen.
Interested in Writing a Case Study or Teaching Module for Minerva Canada?
Minerva Safety Management Education encourages and sponsors the research and publication of Case Studies and Teaching Modules, illustrating business effectiveness through Safety, Health, and Environmental (SHE) management. These resources are intended for use as teaching tools, demonstrating that SHE management has positive business outcomes such as improved profitability, reduced incidents and improved labour relations, productivity and quality.
When used in teaching, Case Studies enhance participants’ understanding of the interrelationship of SHE management with the events depicted and with the internal and external forces upon a business. Learning takes place through discussion of opinions within the student group.
Minerva also encourages and sponsors the research, development and publication of new Teaching Modules pertinent for new graduates entering the workplace and where current student teaching material is not readily available.
Check out the Minerva guidelines for Teaching Modules and Case Studies and funding available for university or college professors or graduate students interested in developing a Teaching Module for Minerva Canada.