2023 Business Student Competition
As a result of the Covid pandemic and the lack of in person classes within Canadian post secondary schools, Minerva’s involvement with ICBC was cancelled over the past 3 years. Minerva will review how Canadian Business Schools can continue to best participate in Minerva’s student awards program including with its new Rising Star award introduced in 2022 and open to all Business Schools.
ICBC 2020
Over thirty business schools from Canada, USA, Europe and Asia participated in the preliminary round for this competition. In January 2020, members of the Minerva Canada Board of Directors judged the six finalists in the Human Resources Venue of the competition that involved the analysis of a case study focused on next steps to deal with a small company’s growth with a virtual workforce. Minerva Canada wishes to congratulate the student teams from the University of Calgary, Okanagan College and Concordia University for placing in the top three positions respectively within the Human Resources Venue. ICBC case studies sponsored by Minerva Canada in past competitions are on this website. Minerva Canada is reviewing its ICBC sponsorship plans for 2021.
About Minerva Canada and the ICBC
Hosted annually by the Queen’s School of Business, the Queen’s University Inter-Collegiate Business Competition (ICBC) is the pinnacle of undergraduate business case competitions in Canada that has garnered entries from top business schools across North America and Asia. Beginning in 1978 with only three events, Minerva Canada has provided case studies for the competition since 2007. In 2010, Minerva introduced, and continues to sponsor, a new competition – a Human Resources (HR) event.
Today’s ICBC has eight distinct competitive events which include: Accounting, Business Policy, Debate, Ethics, Finance, Marketing, Management of Information Systems, and HR. Minerva Canada’s addition links business ethics with occupational health and safety and raises awareness for managing H&S within business schools in Canada and abroad.
ICBC is made up of two basic rounds: the Inter-University Round (IU Round) and the Final Round. Schools select a competitive team to enter each event in the IU Round, where students enter a written submission in response to a business case. Queen’s School of Business faculty evaluate these written submissions and choose six teams to then qualify for the Final Round. At the Final Round, competitors are given five and a half hours to develop a solution to a written case and develop a 15-minute presentation outlining their business solution to a health and safety issue. For more information, visit http://icbcqueens.com/.