The need for Minerva Canada is clear. Each year thousands of workers are injured on the job and the human and economic costs are compelling. At any given time, 8 to 12% of the Canadian workforce is incapacitated because of lost time due to injuries. Billions of dollars are lost to benefit payments, health care expenses and reduced productivity.
Research has consistently shown that effective and productive organizations have a CEO and senior team who understand the benefits of safety, health and environmental (SHE) management and are committed to it. Safety management education is a cornerstone of leading corporations.
This is where we come in. At Minerva we target future leaders through their college and university education. Safety management education is the right way to go, and the right thing to do. We will have achieved our purpose when Canadian graduates have an enduring commitment to eliminate human, social and financial costs of injury and illness in their future workplaces and establish safety, health and environmental stewardship as an essential and integral component of their responsibilities at all levels of leadership.
We wish to thank our many volunteers from industry, government, academia, and H&S professional associations who make up our Board of Directors and Working Group for their endless dedication and assistance. We are also grateful to our many sponsors whose continued support and financial assistance make our efforts at Minerva Canada possible.
We are pleased to offer a wealth of educational material on this website to advance our mission and hope you will take advantage of it to help prepare graduates for their important future roles in ensuring workplaces safe and healthy.