In 2022, Minerva Canada witnessed more in person classes that resumed in Canada’s post-secondary schools. The timing of decisions to resume in person classes varied by school which, in turn, limited the number of in-person meetings and activities from Minerva Canada with academia. The lack of in person activities did not however have much impact in Minerva’s ability to carry out its planned 2022 educational programs and activities.
Over the past year, we continued to focus our activities on
- Developing and delivering new online courses and modules for academia, industry and professional associations. I was pleased to see Course 400 completed with 8 new modules as well as the creation of an Introductory course piloted with academia and over 30 firms from industry.
- Delivery of our annual webinar program in partnership with the Conference Board of Canada. Our 3 one-hour webinars last year were focused on Change Management and People with speakers across the country coming from academia and industry.
- Designing and advancing a new student awards program. We succeeded in delivering a new and very successful Rising Star award as part of the Canada Safest Employers awards competition. We plan to continue this award in 2023.
Our 2023 activities should see more in person venues including with our new awards, presentations at several conferences and a Learning Forum with academia. Despite the pandemic, Minerva Canada was able to reach out with its Health and Safety educational resources to over 10,000 students, employees and members of professional associations over the past 2 years.
You can get details and find out more of our 2021 activities and educational resources along with some of our 2022 plans in the following pages. Our continued success this year despite the pandemic is a reflection of the hard work, endless assistance and support from our many volunteers from industry, government, academia and H&S professional associations who make up our Board of Directors and Working Groups. I am also very grateful to our sponsors whose continued support and financial assistance make our initiatives at Minerva Canada possible. Without this support, Minerva would not exist as an organization.
As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions by contacting me at>.
A.E. Pasteris
Chairman and President
Minerva Canada Safety Management Education Inc.

Minerva Introduces New Online Courses
Course 400
Minerva Canada was pleased to successfully launch its new Course 400 in February 2022. As reported in our last Newsletter, this Course with its 9 modules incorporates new discipline specific Health and Safety topics such as Process Safety Management, Electrical Safety, Radiation Safety, Robotics Safety, Crisis and Risk Communications and Health and Wellness. Its final module is very much focused on Leadership and what is needed to Manage Excellence in Health and Safety.
Introductory Course in Health and Safety
Based on feedback received on usage of Minerva’s courses from academia, industry and government, Minerva Canada decided to proceed with creating an online introductory course from some of its 28 online Health and Safety modules. Minerva Canada contracted Bluedrop ISM to assemble the course and have it located on their Skills Pass platform. This course was completed in June 2022 with the following nine modules:
- The Introduction to Health and Safety module discusses the importance of safe workplace practices, health and safety legislation, and the role of employers and employees in ensuring workplace safety.
- In the Hazard and Risk Controls module, we explore the relationship between hazard and risk, and look at the controls we can use to reduce the level of risk in the workplace.
- In the Risk Assessment and Management module, we discuss the importance of managing risk. Additionally, we review the steps of the risk assessment process and the components of a well-thought-out risk management plan.
- The Mental Health in the Workplace and Academia module addresses the importance of mental health for students and employees, as well as key psychosocial risk factors that affect mental health on the job.
- In the Leadership and Management Systems module, we discuss safety management systems and compare how different industries approach it. We also illustrate the importance of having an effective safety management system in place.
- The Business Case for Safety: The Role of Engineers and Leaders module discusses the economic impact of workplace incidents and emphasizes the importance of having effective safety management systems.
- Change is inevitable and necessary for continuous improvement. The Management of Change module highlights what is needed to effectively manage new or unknown risks brought about by change in technology, facilities, procedures and within organizations.
- The Health and Wellness module discusses how workplace wellness, psychological and occupational health and safety programs can lead to healthy employees and contribute to a distinguished safe and healthy organization.
- Managing Excellence in Health and Safety explores several important factors that are needed to excel including leadership behaviors, organizational safety culture, personnel safety, contractor and project management, auditing programs and corporate social responsibility.

Pilot Training Programs
Canada Post
Minerva Canada and the Canada Post Corporation embarked on a pilot program that would set a common foundation for Canada Post’s health and safety practitioners. This pilot program ended on December 31st of 2022. Although metrics are still being gathered at the time of this annual report, all indications are that the participants very well received the Minerva modules across the organization and across the country. Essentially, the Canada Post objectives were as follows:
- Refresh and align safety training knowledge across health and safety team
- Prepare the team for 2023 audits of the health and safety program at Canada Post
- Provide and opportunity for employees to obtain CRSP continuing education points
- Support the 10-year health and safety strategy to assist with the development of the Canada Post Health and Safety Management System (HSMS)
- Evaluate training materials for course use or part of this course to be used to further develop the health safety mindset for Engineering, Leadership and other Human Resources professionals.
- Provide Minerva Canada with input on the most appropriate modules to include in a Leadership certificate course in Health and safety.
Industry and Trade Schools
Following discussions with the the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, Minerva Canada decided to offer a free training program of its online introductory course previously discussed. The course was offered to over 500 participants from some of Minerva’s sponsoring organization and 30 of Ontario’s small to medium size firms as well as some of Ontario’s Trade Schools. The program was initiated in June 2022 in partnership with Bluedrop ISM and the Workplace Safety and Prevention Services with completion scheduled for March 31, 2023. Participants complete pre and post training surveys and receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course. Input from all participants will assist Minerva Canada in finalizing a Leadership Course in 2023.

Testimonials and Feedback from Online Participants
Minerva Canada continues to receive extremely positive feedback from participants who have taken the online courses and modules. Its usage continues to grow amongst post-secondary institutions, small and medium size business and professional associations.
Also, Minerva has been extremely pleased with preliminary survey results from those participants who have already completed the pilot online introductory Health and Safety course previously discussed. The survey results were very positive and very encouraging for Minerva Canada. Overall satisfaction ratings for this training on a scale of 1-5 were rated at 4.5. When asked to what extent their skills, knowledge increased after the training on various issues like hazard Identification, risk, leadership, mental health, managing change, health and wellness, participants provided a rating between 4.4-4.5.
Prior to this training, these ratings varied from 3.1-4.0
A few comments from this Industry and Trade School pilot warrant highlighting; examples include:
- “Very informative and well put together training program. I am glad to have had the opportunity to complete this!”
- “The content was amazing. I am a seasoned safety professional with multiple designations and I learned a lot from this!! I really enjoyed the learning when I was required to “click on a picture to learn more”. The format of expanding different items within a page was also great.”
- “Thank you for widening my knowledge that can be used for a lifetime.“
- “This was a very educational training program!“
- “This was a GREAT refresher for Importance of Health and Safety.”
- “I have learned a lot. I think that this program was a good fit for my team.“
Given that the various Minerva pilot programs will be finalized during the second quarter of this year, we anticipate additional commentary and analytics at that time.

Minerva’s Webinar Series
Minerva’s successful webinar series continued in 2022 that drew praise from speakers, participants and partners alike. We are especially indebted to the Conference Board of Canada for all their assistance and use of their webinar platform. A special word of gratitude is warranted by acknowledging Minerva Board member, Lisa Hallsworth, for her leadership, professionalism and project management skills in leading Minerva’s webinar committee and coordinating all webinar program activities.
In 2022, Minerva produced a series of three webinars on change management and people, as follows:
- Webinar 1 – March 2, 2022 – Managing changes in culture and the way we learn.
Speakers included Emad Rizkalla, CEO of Bluedrop and Bill Holmes, a Minerva Board member and Assoc. Professor, Royal Roads University and moderated by Kim Gould from Canada Post.
- Webinar 2 – June 1st, 2022 – A panel discussion on the redefinition of the workplace.
Panelists included Ana Reyes, Global H&S Director –Northland Power Inc., Christopher Spasoff, OHS Lawyer – F2 Legal Counsel and Derrick Leue, CEO- PROLINK Insurance and moderated by Bill Holmes, Royal Roads University.
- Webinar 3 – October 26th, 2022 – Shepherds of change and their role in sustainable workplaces.
Speakers included Dr. Johanna Pagonis, CEO of Sinogap Solutions Leadership Consulting and Sandro Perruzza, Minerva Board member and CEO of Ontario Society of Professional Engineers and moderated by Daniel Liao from Saint
Lawrence College.

Minerva’s one-hour webinars were well attended peaking at 140 and with an average of 90 participants that came from all Canadian provinces and territories. Retention of having participants engaged for the full hour remained high at about 85%. Also, organizational leaders represented 80% of attendees while 50% of attendees were from organizations with 500 plus employees.
Plans are underway for Minerva’s three webinars in 2023 focused on “Intentional Leadership through culture, safety and innovation”. We welcome any of our readers and past webinar participants to advise us of any topics of interest that should be covered in this year’s webinar series.

Minerva Student Awards
Minerva Canada Award for Rising Star of the Year – Canada’s Safest Employer Award Program
In 2022 Minerva Canada sponsored and supported the first Rising Star of the Year award with the Canada’s Safest Employer award program. It is with great honour that Minerva Canada supports the recognition and promotion of health and safety education in post-secondary education. This year’s winner, Caroline Steinborn from Canada Post, recognized a recent graduate entering the health and safety profession in Canada’s workplaces.
A robust screening, vetting and award submission review process by Minerva Canada’s Board members was used to recognize the excellence in her awards safety submission as well as being a “rising star” in Canadian workplaces.
During the awards ceremony, a successful panel discussion highlighted the education and achievements of other award candidates with the involvement of Andrena Hilder (Work Wellness and Disability Prevention Institute), John Elroy Canila (Green Infrastructure Partners Inc.) and Ryan Rhodes (University of Regina Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences). The sharing of thoughts from these impressive young graduates starting their careers in the occupational health and safety profession was very impressive. Minerva Canada was also pleased to have Caroline Steinborn present her winning project at its November Board meeting. Her winning submission focused on a musculoskeletal prevention and awareness program she created that produced a significant reduction in injuries.
In 2023, Minerva Canada has confirmed the sponsorship and support of the Award Program and continues the important work of promoting health and safety in all Canadian post-secondary institutions. This realizes and builds on Minerva’s educational four online courses with its 28 modules designed and developed by premier educational institutions and faculty and being used in programs and Canadian workplaces across the country.
Minerva’s Safe Design Award
In January, Minerva’s Larry Masotti and Tony Pasteris were invited to be judges for the Communications and Junior Design venues during the Ontario Engineering Student competition hosted by the University of Toronto and held virtually. This type of venue with the various Engineering Student Societies across Canada remains one of several options being considered by Minerva Canada for re-instating its Safe Design award.
Discussions are also underway to see Minerva partner with the Canadian Engineering Educators Association which is comprised of professors from most Canadian engineering schools. Their annual conference along with some of their design related interest groups would be an ideal forum and venue for Minerva’s safe design award.
With Minerva’s safe design award, students from Canadian Engineering schools and Colleges with Engineering Technology and OHS programs are being challenged by Minerva Canada to look at existing safety problems, systems or designs by:
- Suggesting ways to improve the existing design of devices, processes or systems.
- Envisioning new, innovative designs that will eliminate or reduce potential hazards
- Creating tools to help manufacturers and workplaces integrate safety into new or retrofitted designs, systems.

2022 CEEA Conference at York University
Minerva Canada hosted a panel discussion at the June 21, 2022 Canadian Engineering Education Association conference held at York University, Toronto. Representatives from the University of Toronto (Ariel Chan, Jennifer Farmer), Ontario Tech University (Glenn Harvel), George Brown College (Pradeep Kalsi) and Canada Post (Kim Gould) participated in a panel discussion facilitated by Minerva’s Vice President (Larry Masotti) to discuss how Minerva’s 28 online Health and safety modules are being used by their students and employees. Throughout the discussions, the panelists communicated the importance for academia to continue their journey to enhance student experience before entering the workplace and provide them with needed Health and Safety education in order to make them better leaders.
The panelists discussed various ways in which the Minerva modules are being used to provide the needed education to their students or employees. These included:
- Use of certain modules through years 1-4 and integration of other modules into existing courses at the University of Toronto,
- Full usage of Minerva courses 100-400 with its 28 modules at George Brown College’s Civil, Construction Engineering Technology, Technician programs and Bachelor of Technology.
- Full usage of Minerva courses 100-400 in years 1-3 of Ontario Tech University’s Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science and a certificate upon completion of Course 400. Much focus is on explaining the “why” using the Minerva’s courses. Refresher training in Year 4.
- A discussion was made of the Canada Post pilot training of 80+ employees with all 28 Minerva modules. Discussion included what employers wish to see from new graduate hires including Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, H&S Laws/Regs. Safety Leadership, Human Factors, Mental Health, Hierarchy of Controls. Business Case for H&S that are all contained with the Minerva modules

Conferences with our Sponsors in 2023
In alignment with many of the activities returning to ‘in-person’ attendance, Minerva is pleased to participate in a number of conferences in 2023.
They include the following events:
Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals – (Calgary, Alberta)
As in previous years, Minerva will be facilitating a session for the BCRSP’s National Education Symposium in May, 2023. An update will be provided on the increased usage of Minerva’s online course offerings, the Rising Star Award and upcoming events.
ServiceHospitality – (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
Minerva and Service Hospitality are currently planning an event focused on teaching students the importance of a health & safety mindset. This conference is planned for June, 2023.
Canadian Society of Safety Engineering – (Windsor, Ontario)
In tandem with a local CSSE chapter, Minerva will be involved in a conference in October, 2023. Ontario’s Chief Prevention Officer has been confirmed as a Keynote Speaker.

Meet our Board and many Volunteers
Minerva welcomes new Board members and says thanks to others
Minerva welcomes to its Board Alison Wall (Director – Service Hospitality) and Christopher Barry (CEO- CSSE)
We extend a heartfelt thank you to outgoing Board Members Michael Wilson (Specialized Services Lead, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services), George Marshall (General Manager, CanOps, Saskatchewan), Iain McNab (Chair, George Brown College)
Meet Minerva’s Board of Directors
- Chairman and President: Anthony Pasteris – Retired from Imperial Oil Limited
- Vice President: Larry Masotti – Retired and Former Director Strategic Relations, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services
- Secretary-Treasurer: Peter Sturm – Sturm Consulting and Past President, Canadian Society of Safety Engineering
- Minerva Meeting Coordinator: Cameil McLennon and Simona Mazat – Workplace Safety & Prevention Services
- Christopher Barry – CEO, Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, Ontario
- Paul Belair – BCRSP Vice Chair and Corporate H&S Director, Equinox Gold, Alberta
- Sue Bruning – Retired Adjunct Professor Univ. Victoria and retired Business Professor at I.H. Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba
- Andrew Cooper – Past President, Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, and Lead EHS System Planning, Development, Dept. of Environmental, Health & Safety, University of Alberta
- Kim Gould – Manager People and Culture, Canada Post, Ontario
- Jules Artnz-Gray – Director OHS Branch, Operations Division, Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
- Lisa Hallsworth – CEO, Rillea Technologies, Belleville, Ontario
- Anis Haque – Electrical, Computer Engineering Professor, University of Calgary
- Bill Holmes –Associate Professor and former Dean, Faculty of Management, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC
- Byron House – Division Manager, Learning and Performance, Bruce Power, Tiverton, Ontario
- Bruno Korst – Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto
- Daniel Liao – Dean, Applied Science, Technology, Trades, St. Lawrence College
- Ron Pelot – Assoc. Dean COOP, Faculty of Engineering, Dalhousie University, N.S.
- Sandro Perruzza – CEO, Ontario Society of Professional Engineers
- Don Petkau – Professor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Manitoba
- Marcel Pouliot – IQ Trucking Consultant, Retired VP – Trimac Transportation Services LP, Alberta
- Marc Rosen – Professor and Founding Dean, University of Ontario Tech University
- Robert Schultz – Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, Alberta
- Lynn Smith – Engineering Workplace Safety Leader, General Motors of Canada, Ontario
- Wendy Tobin – Senior EHS Consultant, Corteva Agriscience, Kingston, Ontario
- Melanie Tremblay – HSE Partner, Rio Tinto Alcan, Jonquiere, Quebec
- Alison Wall – Director Strategic Partners and Planning, Service Hospitality, Saskatoon

Meet Minerva’s Board of Directors
- Christl Aggus – President, Canadian Society of Safety Engineering
- Syed Ahmed – Retired from Imperial Oil Limited
- Susan Baka and Allyson Warden – Bay Communications
- Shahzad Barghi – Western University
- Ariel Chan – University of Toronto
- Seyed Goosheh – Fanshawe College
- Brenda Henry – Fanshawe College
- Manny Marta – Retired from NOVA Chemicals
- Dave Meston – Retired Consultant
- Graeme Norval – University of Toronto
- Ed Secnik – York University
- Gord Winkel – University of Alberta

We Applaud our Sponsors and Academic Partners
It is with deep gratitude that we acknowledge
all our current and past sponsors and close working partners.
University and College Supporters of Learning Forums – Financial and/or In-Kind Support

Minerva Canada Safety Management Education Inc.
5110 Creekbank Road, Suite 300
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
L4W 0A1
Tel: 1 877 494 9777 ext 2138