In this issue:
Vol. 10/No. 1 Fall 2010


I once again have the privilege of reporting to you that this year has been another very successful one for Minerva Canada. Our 2010 Summer Institute drew a record attendance from 28 professors from across Canada who are interested in promoting post-secondary health and safety education in their institutions and teaching it to their students. A special thanks to the University of Toronto for hosting it and to Graeme Norval and the Summer Institute Planning Committee for organizing it.

I was also very pleased to see the University of Calgary inviting Minerva to assist in organizing and participating in a one-day Institute in May with over 30 professors from Alberta. This new initiative was a great success and we’re looking forward to more of these Institutes at other universities next year.

[l-r] Elizabeth Mills, President & CE0, Workplace Safety and Prevention Services of Ontario, Tony Pasteris, Chairman & President, Minerva Canada, and Tom Beegan, Chief Prevention Officer, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.

This January, Minerva increased its participation in the Inter-Collegiate Business Competition (I.C.B.C.) at Queen’s University as a Platinum sponsor and contributor of its first-ever Human Resources Health and Safety business student competition. Thanks to Minerva Working Committee member Deborah Zinni of Brock University for writing two excellent case studies for the competition. In addition, Minerva Board Members Peter Sturm, Vic Pakalnis, Marcel Pouliot, Nina Mankovitz, and I had the pleasure of acting as judges for the final round of the competition. I’m also grateful to the University of Manitoba and Queen’s University in Ontario for inviting myself and some Minerva Board members to present the Minerva James Ham Safe Design Awards to a group of engineering students.

This summer, Minerva made a submission to the Expert Advisory Panel on Occupational Health and Safety, comprising safety experts from labour and employer groups and academic institutions. This panel is charged with researching best practices which improve workplace safety in national and international jurisdictions.

These and the many other efforts to advance and promote health and safety education in our Canadian post-secondary teaching institutions require, of course, ongoing financial support for Minerva’s programs. We are once again grateful to our private-sector donors without which we could not function. We have also enjoyed great support from Elizabeth Mills, the inaugural President and Chief Executive Officer of Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) of Ontario. For those unfamiliar with the WSPS, all Ontario health and safety associations have recently been amalgamated into four, of which Elizabeth’s organization is one. We’re pleased to be working with the new amalgamated WSPS and we hope to work with the other Health & Safety Ontario partners in the days to come. Welcome aboard, Elizabeth.

We’re continuing with new initiatives for 2011. We have approached the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) for a grant to develop and deliver teaching modules to use with engineering undergraduate students. If successful, this will begin as a pilot project at the University of Western Ontario, Queen’s University and the University of Toronto.

I wish to thank our many volunteers from industry, government, academia, and health and safety associations who make up our Board of Directors and Working Committee for their endless dedication and assistance.

Tony Pasteris
Chairman & President
Minerva Canada



summer institute

Engineering faculty from across Canada gathered at the University of Toronto for this year’s Summer Institute. .

“The beauty of the Summer Institute is that it allows you to network with other professors from across Canada on the topic of educating students about health and safety,”said Minerva President & CEO Tony Pasteris at the 2010 Summer Institute held at the University of Toronto in May. That’s one reason among many that so many professors have attended since the first Summer Institute in 2004 – some 175 from 26 Canadian universities. “Minerva does a great job in gathering people together,”echoed participant Bruno Korst, University of Toronto, one of 28 attendees at this year’s Institute. “It would be great if we all had one amalgamated teaching tool to use across Canada.”

“I strongly recommend others attend Minerva’s annual Summer Institute. It is a unique opportunity to meet experts from industries, academia and policy makers at the government level,”said Anis Haque, Instructor, Electrical Engineering, University of Calgary. “Besides learning from the experts, the Institute creates opportunity of sharing thoughts.”

Presented by Minerva Canada and its dedicated sponsors, the two-day event was spearheaded by Graeme Norval, Associate Chair and Undergraduate Coordinator, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, and the Summer Institute Planning Committee and Minerva Board members who participated with presentations and panel discussions.

Experts share insights
Not only did this year’s Institute provide an opportunity for engineering faculty to gather and compare notes, but it featured some high level government and industry speakers who were able to share their insights on the vital concepts of health and safety management for integration into secondary school curricula across Canada. These included Tony Dean, Chair, Expert Advisory Panel on Occupational Health and Safety, which is reviewing Ontario’s OH&S prevention and enforcement system.”Minerva is absolutely on the right track about embedding health and safety into curricula and about promoting health and safety leadership,”he observed. “What you’re doing is part of a broader trend I’m seeing. There has been a shift in the last 15 years – a knowledge transfer – the successful transfer of academia from the academic world to the shop floor. It’s also impressive that you’re all thinking in an interdisciplinary way and translating that knowledge into practice. We have come a long way.”
Tony Dean
Tony Dean

Here are some highlights of the messages from other government as well as industry speakers:

  • “The influence of educators in society and the workplace is huge; you are shaping the mindset of students. We have all the stats you might want for your lectures and can break them down by age, sector, geography, etc. More people died from workplace accidents in Ontario in 2009 than Canadians who have died in the entire Afghanistan war.” Tom Beegan, Chief Prevention Officer, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
  • “Somebody needs to be driving the bus. Leadership is required to change the cultural mindset. You need to make the rule, teach the rule…then follow the rule.” Claudio Girolami, Vice-President – Automotive Systems, Robinson Solutions Inc.

Challenge to educators
Challenge to EducatorsGovernments and industry look to post-secondary schools to assist in making the workplace safer by integrating health and safety concepts into the curricula. A number of speakers reached out to the educators at the Institute.

  • “The challenge is to prevent workplace illnesses and injuries through engineering in/out – ‘in safety; out hazards’. We have to route out bad habits and complacency and we need your help because we don’t have the answers. We need your commitment to help us create a national habit of safety. Use your skills, your leadership and innovative ability towards elimination of accidents and injuries.” Tom Beegan, Chief Prevention Officer, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
  • “We need you to be influential beyond this room – tell your colleagues about your learnings and influence students to be aware of the need to redesign-out hazards, to build a culture inside their workplace. Encourage your students to be the next generation of employers who will not accept workplace injuries and deaths.” Elizabeth Mills, President and Chief Executive Officer, Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) of Ontario
  • “We really need your help – employers often have difficulty complying with regulations because engineers don’t always get it. Our plea to you: introduce health and safety regulations and codes into your curriculum.” Gabe Mansour, Provincial Coordinator, Specialized Professional Services, Ontario Ministry of Labour

Recommendations from experts
The participants were not merely presented with challenges. Many ideas and recommendations were brought to the table.

  • “The type of materials and videos you show is important. If materials are too preachy, it doesn’t work. The Westray documentary captures everyone’s hearts, minds, souls, because it deals with the impact on families. It even gets at hardened engineers.” Vic Pakalnis, Department of Mining Engineering, Queen’s University
  • “Try to integrate some of the ‘softer’ management concepts into health and safety education in engineering schools because most accidents are not due to design flaws but to poor management decisions and/or lack of management systems.”Tony Pasteris, Chairman & President, Minerva Canada
  • “You can’t teach all the details, but you can make students aware of fundamental Health and safety requirements.” Manny Marta, Senior Process Safety Engineer, NOVA Chemicals
  • “Field trips are one of the best ways to teach process safety. I also invite safety officers from industry into the classroom as guest speakers.” David Mody, Department of Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University

Recommended resources
Throughout the sessions, and in the spirit of collaboration, numerous resources available to help educators teach health and safety management concepts came to light:

Participant feedback
Participant FeedbackA selection of participants at this year’s Summer Institute share these thoughts:

  • “It’s good to hear that engineering professors are teaching this. I had no exposure to this topic when I was in engineering school.”Paul Bozek, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
  • “I’m very impressed with the good work of Minerva. This event is more than any advocate of health and safety could hope for.”Tony Dean, Chair – Ontario Expert Advisory Panel, Occupational Health and Safety Prevention and Enforcement System
  • “I had heard a lot of good things about the Summer Institute and had seen the binders – very impressive. I couldn’t wait to participate.”Mary Robinson, University of Waterloo, Chemical Engineering
  • “I attended the University of Calgary Mini Summer Institute which inspired me to attend the Summer Institute in Toronto to learn more. It was a great motivation for me to pursue the mission of incorporating H&S education into our engineering curriculum.”Anis Haque, University of Calgary
  • “I cannot be more thrilled that Minerva and the companies that support Minerva have been at this for over 20 years.”Elizabeth Mills, President & CE0, Safe Workplace Promotion Services Ontario

Results already evident
As a direct result of the 2010 Summer Institute, interaction has begun with the Ontario Ministry of Labour on potential student design projects. The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, has developed a safety training tool, “so that all programs will be able to ensure that all students doing research will have taken the training and passed a competency test,”explains Graeme Norval. “It works now – and will be used next fall. This is a result of the past two Summer Institutes and the improved understanding of the safety requirements.”



  • Minerva Canada also held a one-day Institute at the University of Calgary in May 2010 where over 30 professors from various Alberta universities and colleges attended. See Regional Reports for more.
  • Syed Ahmed, Senior Process Safety Engineer from Imperial Oil, and Renzo Dalla Via from Minerva’s Board of Directors attended a luncheon seminar in January with engineering students from the University of Toronto to discuss young worker health and safety. Students raised numerous questions on cultural issues needed to affect change in safety performance and looked for leading practices within corporations to better train young workers and new employees. Minerva Canada continues to be receptive to visiting universities to discuss the need for integrating more H&S education into engineering curricula.

For information on the 2011 Summer Institute, e-mail minerva@safetymanagementeducation.com


Students Make Rocket Motor Casings Safer – Minerva Canada 2010 James Ham Safe Design Awards

[l to r] Tony Pasteris, Minerva Canada, with first place 2010 James Ham Safe Design Award winners Zhi Li, Andrew Le, Michael Holliday, Alex Hammond, and Romain Coudiere, from the University of Manitoba, and Doug Ruth, Dean of Engineering, University of Manitoba.

Each year, Minerva Canada challenges Canadian engineering students to make an original contribution to integrating safety into engineering design through the James Ham Award, which seeks to raise awareness of Process Safety Management (PSM) and Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) in engineering schools. It also encourages students and engineering faculty to integrate safety into all designs, thereby producing safer designs of devices, processes, and systems.

This year, University of Manitoba undergraduate engineering students Romain Coudiere, Alexander Hammond, Michael Holiday, Andrew Le, and Zhi Li took first place for designing enhancements to facilitate the inspection of a rocket motor case. The enhancements should serve to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries to workers by providing the primarily older workers with cameras to perform the otherwise difficult (and dangerous) inspection. “It was nice to be recognized,”says Alexander Hammond. “Raising safety awareness is very important, especially early in school. This competition really prepares students for what comes after school because health and safety is a focus that companies have.” The company Alexander works for, Bristol Aerospace Ltd., will be implementing the design from this competition in September. Alexander admitted also liking the fact that winning the award is good for a young person’s resume.

[l to r] Tony Pasteris, Minerva Canada, Jeremy Langburt (student winner), James McLellan, Chemical Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics, Environmental Studies, Queen’s University, Jesse Williams-Kovacs (student winner), David Mody, Department of Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University, Wilson McKinnon (student winner), Kevin Smiley (student winner), Minerva Board members Nina Mankovitz, E.I. DuPont Canada, and Vic Pakalnis, Department of Mining Energy, Queen’s University.

Queen’s University undergraduate engineering students Jeremy Langburt, Wilson Mckinnon, Kevin Smiley, and Jesse Williams-Kovacs, took second prize with their detailed analysis of process hazards and risk mitigation measures associated with the design of a bio-diesel production facility. “Winning the second-place award, although secondary to the learning experience, was a rewarding finale to the hard work that was completed,” explains Jesse Williams-Kovacs. “Our Process Hazard Analysis considered all possible hazards that could occur, from mechanical failure to human error. We provided not only standard control solutions but also inherently safer design concepts which attempt to eliminate hazards instead of implementing techniques to control them. These additional considerations are often not emphasized enough, not only in academia but also in industry practice, which likely set our design above others.”

The award honours James Milton Ham, whose Royal Commission Report on Health and Safety led to the creation of the Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act in 1979 and the adoption of the Internal Responsibility System in Ontario workplaces. The winning team was awarded the first prize of $3,500 while the runner-up team received $1,500 from Minerva Canada President and CEO Tony Pasteris during ceremonies at each of the two universities. The submissions are judged by members of Minerva’s Board and Working Committee that included John Stroyan, Vic Pakalnis, David Meston and Tony Pasteris.

Minerva Sponsors First Ever I.C.B.C. Human Resources Event 

This January, Minerva was proud to be a major part of the Inter-Collegiate Business Competition (I.C.B.C.), Canada’s premier undergraduate business case competition, hosted at Queen’s University. Minerva Canada was a platinum sponsor of the first ever Human Resources event in the competition, with Board members Peter Sturm, Vic Pakalnis, Marcel Pouliot, Nina Mankovitz, and Tony Pasteris acting as judges for the final round of the competition.

Each of the six university team finalists had two students and about five and a half hours to prepare a presentation based on the analysis of a case study prepared by Minerva Working Committee member Deborah Zinni of Brock University. She also wrote a case study for the preliminary round of the competition which included close to 25 university submissions across Canada.

Participant Feedback

[l to r] I.C.B.C. Human Resources event first prize winners Catherine Guba and Jared Grossman from Laurier University, with Tony Pasteris..

The final case study, focused on health and safety, included cultural diversity, labour relations, communications, H&S analysis, and change management issues. Very well received by the students and professors, it generated much discussion from the six teams who gave outstanding professional presentations.

“I would like to take this opportunity to truly thank Deborah Zinni for her outstanding contributions in preparing for both the preliminary and final case studies,”says Tony Pasteris. “A big word of thanks must be given to the I.C.B.C. executive committee at Queen’s University for planning and executing this outstanding event among hundreds of Canadian business students. Minerva was truly welcomed as a sponsor by the committee, business professors and students. Thanks must also go out to our final judges and to Paul Gallina and Dave Meston for their many contributions to the success of the event.”

The inaugural first prize went to Wilfrid Laurier University’s Jared Grossman and Catherine Guba, second place to Concordia University’s Rebecca Golt and Louis Martyres, and third place to the University of Calgary’s Kathleen Hosfeld and Kali Taylor. Minerva plans to continue sponsoring this event in 2011. For more information, visit www.icbconline.ca.

Employee Safety Part of Campbell Award Winner’s “DNA”

Participant Feedback

Congratulations to the 2009 R.W. Campbell Award winner Schneider Electric North America, a global specialist in energy management. Minerva’s Tony Pasteris was one of the judges who helped decide the winner of this international award which recognizes achievement of business excellence by the integration of EHS management into operating systems. Supported by 22 Global Partners including Minerva Canada, this award looks for measurable EHS achievements linked to productivity, profitability, and other vital business markers.

With operations in over 100 countries, Schneider Electric offers integrated solutions across multiple market segments, and features safety, health, environment, and community as the pillars of its business strategy. The company impressed the Campbell Award’s international review panel with its global foundation for safety and health practices that encourage local innovation. It was also praised for its seamless integration of safety procedures and mindset that protects employees on and off the job.

“We are very honoured to receive this award,”says Chris Curtis, CEO of Schneider Electric’s North American Operating Division. “The daily focus of our over 14,000 employees in North America has been truly inspiring and in some cases, life-saving. Six years ago we committed to significant improvement in our safety programs. Today we have one of the safest workforces in North America, and our commitment to the environment and keeping our employees and their families safe and healthy at work and at home has become a part of our DNA.”

The judging panel for the 2010 Campbell Award submissions included Minerva Board Member Len Hong, President and CEO, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. The 2010 winners will be announced later this year. Visit www.CampbellAward.org for more.

Minerva Participates in Engineering Education Event

Participant FeedbackA presentation by Graeme Norval from the University of Toronto on Minerva Canada and some leading practices for teaching occupational health and safety in engineering schools was delivered at Queen’s University during the June 2010 Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference. Minerva’s Vic Pakalnis and Tony Pasteris were also present to take questions from the audience. The CEEA is a new organization whose mission is to enhance the competence and relevance of graduates from Canadian engineering schools through continuous improvement in engineering education and design education. “Its next meeting is in St. John’s (Memorial University) in early June – and it makes for a great link for both parties,” says Graeme.



Participant Feedback Minerva congratulates retiring Judy Fraser, chair of Minerva Manitoba for all her hard work and many accomplishments in young worker health and safety education. Judy, shown here with (l to r) Daryl Nielsen, Red River College, Danny Mann, University of Manitoba, Tony Pasteris, Minerva Canada and Ron Britton, University of Manitoba, accepts an award presented by Minerva Canada.

In late 2007, Minerva Manitoba’s Steering Committee approved funding to the University of Manitoba for the development of a University one-half credit course available to any first year university student. The goal of the course is to discuss occupational health and safety issues from a number of perspectives and to appeal to a wide (beyond Engineering) audience. In April of this year, the first 10 students graduated from the course. Minerva Manitoba continues to work on development of a full credit course. Contact: Ron Britton, ron_britton@umanitoba.caAlberta: The University of Calgary hosted a Minerva mini summer institute in May to profile Minerva and the importance of promoting risk management into the curriculum of engineering and business management faculties. The day-long Alberta Minerva Learning Forum, which included numerous lectures and a panel discussion, was well attended by university faculty from throughout the province. Alberta Minerva would like to thank Dr. Elizabeth Cannon, formerly Dean of Engineering and currently President at the University of Calgary, Dr. Bob Brennan, Associate Dean at the Schulich School of Engineering, Doug McCutcheon, Professor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta, and Minerva Board Member Len Hong, President & CEO, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety, for all their help in facilitating the event, and thanks as well to our generous sponsors Enform and the Petroleum Industry Safety Association. With the terrific attendance (standing room only!) and great support from the academic community and industry, Minerva Alberta plans to hold a similar event next year. Contact: Carol Eamer, ceamer@telusplanet.net


President & Chair: A.E. (TONY) PASTERIS
Retired employee from Imperial Oil Limited
Unionville, Ontario

Secretary/Treasurer: RENZO DALLA VIA
Senior Strategy Advisor, Technology
Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) of Ontario, Mississauga, Ontario

Meeting Coordinator: SHERRIE JOHNSTON
WSPS, Mississauga, Ontario

Dean, DeGroote School of Business,
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario

SHEA, Product Stewardship & Sustainability Manager
E.I. DuPont Canada
Mississauga, Ontario

Professor, Williams School of Business
Bishop’s University
Lennoxville, Quebec

President & CEO,
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety
Hamilton, Ontario

Director, Occupational Health & Safety Branch
Ministry of Labour
Toronto, Ontario

General Manager, Safety and Health
Canada Post
Ottawa, Ontario
nina.mank ovitz@canadapost.ca

Retired Professor
Engineering Safety and Risk Management Program
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

President, Canadian Society of Safety Engineering
Edmonton, Alberta

Kinross Professor, Mining and Sustainability
Department of Mining Engineering, Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario

Vice-President, Trimac Transportation Services,
Oakville, Ontario

Professor and Founding Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science,
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Oshawa, Ontario

Professor & Associate Dean of Engineering,
University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Vice President, Nuclear Oversight & Regulatory Affairs
Bruce Power
Tiverton, Ontario

Manager of Health and Safety, Oshawa Truck Assembly
General Motors of Canada
Oshawa, Ontario

Manager of Workwell, Prevention Division
Workplace Safety & Insurance Board,
Toronto, ON


Minerva Canada’s key sponsors from industry, academia, government and H&S associations include a growing list of organizations committed to principles that combine efficiency and productivity within an effective Safety, Health and Environmental Management (SHE) culture. It is with deep gratitude that we acknowledge our sponsors and close working partners:

Bruce Power
Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals
Canada Post
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Canadian Society of Safety Engineering
Chemistry Industry Association of Canada
Dupont Canada
Erco Worldwide
General Motors of Canada
H.L. Bla chford
Imperial Oil
McMaster University
Nova Chemicals
Robert W. Campbell Award
Queen’s University
Trimac Transportation
University of Calgary
University of Manitoba
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
University of Toronto
University of Western Ontario
Williams Energy
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
Workplace Safety and Prevention Services of Ontario


Three Universities to Pilot Minerva Teaching Modules

Minerva Canada, with help from its key partners, is planning to develop a number of health and safety (H&S) modules to be delivered in 2011 to engineering schools in Ontario. University of Toronto, University of Western Ontario, and Queen’s University have all agreed to pilot the modules in their engineering departments.

These modules will be designed to address several issues raised at Minerva’s Summer Institutes. First, they would help meet the needs of academics who want to integrate H&S content into existing courses, but may lack knowledge and confidence in teaching H&S. In addition, the safety culture in post-secondary institutions is an evolving one and these modules will help move this cultural change forward.

Industry, the Ontario government, H&S associations, and the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board need graduates who know how to manage, measure, and improve on H&S performance and have a keen understanding of safety before they are employed. Today’s engineering graduates have more responsibility and less time to acquire this knowledge in the workplace. Due to downsizing, there are fewer, if any, personnel available to mentor new hires. Furthermore, if H&S is taught as a technical skill rather than a mindset and management issue, new grads will struggle to infuse the right H&S culture in their organizations.

Minerva has applied for a grant from the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board to fund the first phase of this project in 2011. Once the three year project is complete, Minerva Canada will continue to co-ordinate the delivery of H&S teaching modules to Ontario universities using industry assistance. For information, contact the President of Minerva Canada, Tony Pasteris, at minerva@safetymanagementeducation.com

Campbell Case Studies Available

The business case studies that clinched it for the first four winners of the R.W. Campbell Award are now available, along with synopses and insights from the winners. Those companies include: Noble Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, DynMcDermott, and Alcan. Send requests for the case studies to CampbellAward@nsc.org.





The Ontario prevention system recently restructured its programs and services to better assist Ontario businesses in reducing the number of injuries, illnesses, and fatalities in their workplaces. As a result of these changes, 12 of the province’s health and safety associations have amalgamated to form four new organizations. One of these organizations is Workplace Safety and Prevention Services of Ontario, which includes Farm Safety Association (FSA), Industrial Accident Prevention Association (IAPA), and Ontario Service Safety Alliance (OSSA). Visit www.healthandsafetyontario.ca for more information.

Minerva Canada
5110 Creekbank Road, Suite 300
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
L4W 0A1.
1.800.406.4272, ext. 2292

Chairman & President: A.E (Tony) Pasteris

Editor: Susan Baka
Bay Communications & Marketing Inc.